[The Debrief] Part 11: Underrated or Overrated?
I’ll be discussing popular and/or controversial topics in our sport and scoring them as underrated or overrated. Part 11 covers: Early as possible throttle, gearing and doe coaching slow you down.
Our sport suffers from a problem of information overload. On forums and social media, we are often inundated from all angles with advice and information – most of it subjective, some of it plain wrong – on every possible topic. Everyone and their mother seem to have an opinion on what techniques to use, what vehicle or specialized equipment to have, even what tire pressures or suspension set up to run. In this new video series, I’ll delve into some of these hotly debated topics and give you the breakdown on whether they’re Underrated or Overrated. Part 11 below covers (1) Being on the throttle as early a possible (2) Gearing your bike to maximize 6th gear (3) Does being a coach slow you down?
I’d love your topic submissions for this series! Share your requests here, leave a comment below, or send me an email.
Ken, another good video. Coaching definitely slowed me down for the same reasons you described. I think your feel reference ideas are a good way to address getting up to speed. Another reason coaching slows me down is I have no time at the track to look at my own data. I need to stay focused on a couple personal goals and check the data focused on those goals rather than a full analysis. That said Coaching also has made me faster as I stack up new skills and learnings and apply them.