It is intriguing to me the concepts of feeling fast and how the brain slows down when you are fast and this whole getting to-and arriving- into the Peak Performance "zone". I would love to start a discussion about alpha waves and beta waves and it which place in competition is each mental brainwave state best for Peak Performance, and how to achieve this mental state on cue at certain points on the track.

Lets goooooo

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There are some very good articles on the how the brain works in flow state and the processes needed to achieve it. I'll see what I can dig up!

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Dec 8, 2023Liked by Ken Hill

I'm still intrigued by the rabbit hole of sport psychology. You've mentioned versions of this a few times in your own words by highlighting importance of goal setting and focusing on what you're working on... Working on one thing instead of 5 and things like evaluating reference points and hard mechanical data. This is being in beta during this part of your track prep. This is the time when it's appropriate to be self-aware and focusing on your body and what it feels like inside your body, aware of your Fitness and mechanical control of the machine.That's beta. But in my experience Peak Performance and the Zone happens when we are in Alpha. This is when we and no longer self-aware. Alpha is out there and Target aware AKA mechanical thoughts disappear and existential Environmental and target become the wavelengths to help you become autonomous and execute all your training without thinking. I don't mean to hijack any posts I just thought this is an interesting side of our sport that you're kissing the tip on but haven't done the Ken Hill deep dive that we love. We've certainly got lots to listen and talk about and you have so much content I can learn from... this was just a comment and temp check

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Brant - to be clear, I am not trained in any way shape or form in Sports Psychology. The experience I have is simply from working with thousands of riders from all different levels in life, athlete backgrounds, riding experience, etc. You are correct in that the Alpha stage is where being in the zone or flow state comes from. In my experience as I have written and podcasted about, that simply comes from infinite reps of deliberate practice. You know what to do, before you get there - that is your brain being ahead of the bike or in a proactive state. In your words you don't have to think about it because you have the technique already established, which leaves room in your brain for other thoughts.

Quick example: What is 2+2? Easy right? Yes, because of how many reps you have done. Now what is 73+91? Same technique, but it takes longer because you have trained less for it.

I have a great contact that when a client is ready or when I have reached the limit of my knowledge, I turn them over to a very high performing Sports Psychologist.

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Right on. Indeed it's a rabbit hole of info.

I get excited about your content and I get all ghiddy and ahead of myself.

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