[The Debrief] Developing your off-season training plan
Wondering what to work on in the off-season? Here's a deep dive on the process professionals use to develop their off-season training plan and how you can build your own.
After I completed my first season of club racing in Northern California, I was hooked and wanted to go faster. Because I had very little actual time riding (I went from buying my first motorcycle to the race track in 5 months), the advice I received was to “Get a dirt bike, you’ll learn to be comfortable sliding around.” So, I did what every male does in this situation, and bought an XR600. Needless to say, I spent more time picking myself off the ground and learning how to kick start a flooded big bore single cylinder than anything else. Fast forward past many years of trial and error to where I am today: structuring off-season training through the lens of what the best in the world do.
This video takes you through the process of how we determine what to work on in the off season, along with some sample drill ideas. A big thank you to Dion Moltke at Blayze for permission to use some of the material from Blayze's monthly call formats.
Good use of time watching this and evaluating progress towards last years goals and which of those need to continue into this year and what new ones to add. It is also of value to get into the specifics of how to achieve those goals vs. just "get better at X".