The Motorsports Fundamentals Masterclass is a cutting-edge training program for performance motorcycle riding and car driving, based on Ken Hill’s Order of the Sport methodology. The Masterclass is designed for riders and drivers of all levels who want to take their skills to new heights and their laptimes to new lows. It is offered separately for bikes and cars, in two formats: a two-day track school combining classroom and on-track sessions, and a flexible multi-week online course.
Structured around Ken Hill’s Order of the Sport, the curriculum teaches the six fundamentals of motorsports performance and best-practice techniques used by the world’s top riders and drivers. The modular, step-by-step methodology is designed to help people of all skill levels become faster, safer, and more confident, whether they are experienced racers or venturing onto the track for the first time.
Unlike other track schools, Ken’s approach emphasizes individualized development and instruction based on students’ riding or driving goals, skill level, and learning style. It also prioritizes holistic training both on and off the track, combining theoretical instruction of key concepts and techniques with on-track drills to develop mental, physical, and technical mastery of the fundamentals. Ken’s methodology has a proven track record of results, from novice riders to national champions spanning 20+ years of professional motorcycle coaching, and HPDE clients to national winners over 12+ years of car coaching.
Unlike other professional sports, motorsports stands out for its lack of consensus around training methodology, standardized techniques, or even a common glossary. Historically, both motorcycle and car racing have been seen as an ‘art’, with success chalked up to ‘raw talent’ rather than disciplined training to hone skills and technique. This old-school thinking has stalled progress in our sport. Many riders and drivers wrongly assume that there is no clear pathway to improvement, and become frustrated or abandon the sport when the inevitable plateau hits or if they struggle with crashing.
The Motorsports Fundamentals Masterclass aims to dispel these misconceptions by providing a concrete pathway for individualized development, as well as offering an alternative to the ad-hoc catchphrase coaching that pervades much of the riding and driving worlds. It teaches not simply what to do, but the techniques, processes, and incremental steps of how to do it, with clear objectives and report cards to track your progress. Both motorcycle riding and performance driving are uniquely complex and high-stakes sports, but with the right methodology and instruction, they can be demystified, trained, and mastered just like any other skill.
Track day providers that host a Ken Hill Masterclass are held to high standards. Pre-event instructor training on the curriculum and coaching best practices is mandatory, and instructors are carefully selected based on their commitment to student training as well as their own development. As a Masterclass student, you will be assigned to an instructor who will work with you throughout the entire school and get to know your individual goals and next steps. This will allow you to attend future track days with the same provider and continue working on the fundamentals with an instructor who has been trained in the same language, methodology, and order of priority for your needs. For more information about the program, check out Ken’s introductory video here.
The Masterclass is aimed at track day providers that are looking to invest in strengthening and standardizing their coaching programs. Current partners holding Masterclass schools are Precision Track Days, 2-Fast Motorcycle Track Days & Instruction, Rocky Mountain Motorsports Park, and Carters@theTrack. Scroll down to see the full 2024 schedule.
If you are a provider interested in holding a Masterclass, please email
2024 Masterclass Schedule
April 8-9: Thunderhill Raceway Park (Carters @ The Track)
May 24-25: The Ridge Motorsports Park (2Fast Track Days)
June 24-25: The Ridge Motorsports Park (2Fast Track Days)
July 16-17: The Ridge Motorsports Park (2Fast Track Days)
April 30 - May 1: Virginia International Raceway (Precision Track Days)
August 12-13: Pittsburgh International Raceway (Precision Track Days)
September 9-10: Carolina Motorsports Park (Precision Track Days)
July 31 - August 1: Rocky Mountain Motorsports Park, Calgary